Library Updates
Library CLOSED due to winter weather Saturday, Feb 8th
Having trouble finding a nebulizer?
In partnership with Colfax Rescue, you can now check-out a nebulizer from the library. Just ask staff!
New Little Free Pantry in Hallway
Help yourself and we do accept donations of non-perishable food. Thanks to the Rios Family for getting us started 🙂
Share Your Library Love Story
5 minutes. One question. Huge impact.
January Story Time Schedule
Join us for an hour of stories, crafts, and snacks every Wednesday at 10am and 1pm 🙂
Libraries as Catalysts for Entrepreneurial Success
Article provided by Meredith Jones Libraries as Catalysts for Entrepreneurial Success In the digital age, libraries might seem like relics of the past, but nothing could be further from the truth. Modern libraries have evolved into dynamic hubs of knowledge, offering...